May 31, 2009

Random Questions VIII

Just in the nick of time for the month of we go without much ado...
  • Does this elected government prove that constant is the only change?
  • Will the summer heat ever have mercy on those they call merciful?
  • How much more music can be made with just 7 notes and 72 ragas?
  • Do too many lies ultimately lead to the truth?
  • How do kids born into this commoditised world know better about malls than their parents?
  • Did the Illuminati really play Angels and Demons with the Vatican?
  • Are our history books really accurate?
  • Is it normal for underdogs to always emerge victorious in a tournament with high stakes?
  • Is the need for speed an innate quality for any human being?
  • If wine is made of grapes, why is it condoned when people get drunk?
  • Is magic for real or just a veil to our eyes to blind us to what happens behind the scenes?
  • Why do we find it strange or hesitate to tell when people ask us the damn truth?
  • In the corporates don't we sometimes feel that we are treated like the pied piper of Hamelin?
  • Why are my questions so random?
So much so for this month. Hopefully this month wasnt as random as I expected but what the hell! More the chaos, more the friction, more the friction, more the smoke...till the next cut of randomness is delivered...

1 comment:

Ramakrishna said...

History is written by the victorious, the losers have long since been dead. So we will never know the "accurate" history