May 11, 2009

El Toro!!!

Disposing needless and useless things and items was the call of the day that week when we were moving to a new place and this was a sad day indeed. Ive been riding my Honda Activa for the last 2 years and before that I used to take the local bus to go to office. But the most memorable rides to all my previous destinations has been on my red Hercules MTB bicycle...aptly named El Toro! This day was sad because, after 5 years of neglect and ignorance, my El Toro was gone...sold to someone who would find use and purpose. I used to park my vehicle next to my bicycle each day, give it a little tragic look and walk up the stairs to go home. For 5 years, this went on until this day when I parked my vehicle, only not to find my good old El Toro...missing. Mom then told me that the cycle repair boy had sold it to another boy who needed it badly. A moment went by when a tear peeped out of my eye, with a heavy heart and a lump in my throat, making me feel like I had lost something very near and dear in life...I shall tell you why...

Anyone who looks at me now can surely say that I wasnt a cycling enthusiast...if they had seen me 5 years back, they'd bet their word sayin that I was one. Such was the story of me and my El Toro...a unique friendship or a hobby in a way that helped me communicate with myself. Some thought I was a schizophrenic but that was only their perception, to me it was a passion and I loved every moment of it. More to say, Ive been my true self and Ive had most fun with myself when Ive been with El Toro...nothing substitutes and nothing comes close to those days of cycling.

My bicycle was a red and black colored Hercules Mountain Terrain Bicycle...this was one of my many cycles Ive had in my life and certainly one of my best. In our tough times, it even helped my dad and brother commute to their workplace and school respectively and I was proud of my bicycle. In tough times, we did not have a vehicle to commute or dint have enough money to go in an auto such times, my bicycle was the only vehicle we could afford and probably the best thing that ever happened to me especially. Ive been passionate about cycling since I was 3 years old and I wasnt wanting to be a racer or so but a passion I was willing to invest in just for myself and not for the world to see.

But this post is about my last adventures with my last bicycle...El Toro in the mean streets of Chennai. You can imagine of any possible situation and encounter and Ive had almost all of it on my bicycle. El Toro's reign began from the year 2000 and ended in 2005 with a retirement till 2009. I used this as an opportunity to stay fit after I completed my school and since I was big time into a lot of sport and games and I couldnt sit still when I came back to Chennai in 2000 - 2001 with no friends to chill out with. It was then El Torro came into my life and as they say...the machine chooses the rider and not the other way around...that was the bond that I found.

Ive been chasing cars, bikes and buses, being chased by dogs and cops, bikes and cars, making sharp and nasty turns, had bad falls, being hit, abused at, abusing, belittled, battled and bruised, brashful, speed demoning, long cruise modes, early mornings, late night rash anxious rides, handsfree tricks, sight seeings, flirtings, conversations, races, one wheeling, step jumps, brake fails, flat tyres, broken lights, double and triple rides, renting, repairing, damaging, intimidated, challenged, lost, won, rescued, arriving soon, late, getting stuck, beating traffic jams and being with myself.

As I take a deep breath, I see a rush of images run past my mind and I am reminded of my El Toro...I had to let go. It was tough but it was necessary for both of us. With a heavy heart and a sigh over my past, I recede into my world of corporate ambtions and hopes with dreams of making it big, knowing that there was a past where I was already on a high with an old friend of mine.

It might sound corny or cliched but, I certainly believe when people say that we dont realize the value of someone or something until we have lost them or lost it. It is so true and I would stand by it till my last breath...may you be in peace wherever you are after all those years of glory. Hope to meet you on the other side...El Toro...

PS - On a lighter note, to those who dont know the name reference of my bicycle to 'El Toro' - here is a link -

or just check out this video right here!!! -


MJ said...

As always, You are at ur best :)

Unknown said...

My new cycle is gonna come to me this weekend :) Lets see if I share a bond wid it like u and ur el toro :)

Manasvini said...

Oh well.. I too had sentiments with my cycle but that soon got shared with another lil girl. I share the same kinda attachment with my TVS XL Super actually. But luckily both my Lady Bird and TVS are in safe hands and I do see them regularly. I also have bought a new cycle for exrcise purpose and lets see how touchy that gets with me... ;)