February 8, 2009

Colour Me Red!

In the entire solar system's milky way galaxy, the only planet that is colored red is Mars, named after the Roman God of War. Most explanations deem that it is the soil that gets its color by the presence of Iron Oxide on its surface. Planet Earth on the other hand is the most distinct and colorful planet in our solar system that any alien that whizzes past through might think of paying it a little visit or invade like no ones business (ala hollywood flicks). It is also said that through satellite images, the lights in the night in each major city are at times visible from outer space. You must be wondering why am I talking about Astronomy and where am I heading at. Let me get to the core of this...

In Africa, they say that the color of the soil has actually emerged from the sufferings of the local people and tribes that have lived over centuries. The color of the soil what defines them as people and their history...wonder why they call it the Dark Continent. There has been no shortage of intent from mankind of even settling down in peace. Some even think peace is more costly and is harder to maintain, hence the need to battle it out for supremacy and to think what is right for oneself and the others subsequently...darker the soil, the bloodier the history.

In war and conflict stricken nations, so many children and youth have halted their schooling and in that frustration have turned to extreme measures to support themselves and their families. Some are still shrouded and shocked with all that has happened and still measuring the loss incurred...some have moved on. The physical and emotional damage has been irreversible to some and has been permanent to many...most of us as witnesses and more of the victims have not been able to forget and forgive certain atrocities that have been committed over the last few centuries...in fact ever since mankind started penning down its past. In fact, I was finding it difficult to imagine the number of lives lost in the last century. I do not want to go before that era because the last century has been well documented. I intend to count from World War I to the current situation in the Middle East and in the Sub Continent.

Looking at the world now, the wave of hatred that has been spread and the flood of blood that has been shed has certainly put this thought in my mind. At this rate, we are soon bound to color this planet red...yes with our own blood. Most of the violence that has stemmed from religion, people and places, has continuously marred so many lives and must have stalled this world's progress and possibilities at least by about a century. If only we had channelised that anger and fury in a more constructive way!

Arent we bleeding this planet to death...to our own ends? Arent we killing what is giving life? Are we bulleting this planet to the dephts? Will this all see an ending? Will this bring upon peace or will the wars wage on till there is no left to kill? Will the only color we see or our next generations will know be Red?

Will the pen be ever mightier than the sword?

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