Off to the parking and the vehicle starts with the first kick...surprising but pleasing...brings a wide smile on his couldnt have got better, he thinks! He plays a soft number in his ears for a change hoping for a smoother ride with a pleasant sight...and exits his apartment with no hassles, waving goodbye to his loving mother, grandparents and his dad...but unusual of all of them to be at the balcony at the same time waving goodbye...he dint mind that at all...he rides away to work.
The first signal he encounters, turns green without him having to hit the brakes or wait for a few is getting better by the minute. He now begins to pray (which he usually doesnt) to keep the good times coming...overtakes many vehicles that actually give him way to go ahead...all of them budge aside! Even the beast like bus hustles aside to let him go...his smile gets wider and wider...makes his way and speeds his way up on the city's biggest and busiest roads.
A point comes where the entire traffic keeps right on the broad road and our protagonist is on top of his journey so far imagining that the whole world was making way for the king. What follows in the next few scenes is unthinkable...
The entire stretch of the road is tree-less except for this lone patch with one monstrous tree lurking out from one of the office building premises into the road towards which the traffic on that day wasnt willing to venture into. Our man today on seeing the world-wide gap to cross everyone to go ahead races into the unwilling patch of road and turns into a war-zone!!!
A formal shirt turns into an army fatigue with polka dotted multi colored shots from the tree top...from sunshine to the shade, the hero now feels all the droppings like a shower of rain but indeed it isnt...its an air-raid of the antagonist(s) who have been waiting for their victim for all this time. Clad in black and wailing in code-words the enemies drop a series of foul-smelling, double colored, semi-solid, hard hitting and well aimed morning-formalities based droppings on our hero, beginning the end of his dream-run!
His smile turns into a sigh, his song turns to abuse and his hopes turns into despair...and he now wonders the build up to such a disaster / tragedy / misfortune / catastrophy (choose the best from the options)...the chain of was all meant to be! He was bait and fell prey...when had a monday morning been so pleasant in his life! And he fell for it...and that too on a monday! People whom he overtook now had their last laugh and in retrospect sighed in relief. What a war can do...especially with a low-range air-raid bombing...especially on a monday morning!
By now you know who the protagonist and the antagonist of the narrative is indeed a true story and one of many to ever happened to each and everyones life. So please stop laughing at me and remember your days of being bombed in your unusual and usual places and times and have a good laugh on yourself and your friends...its the best way to beat these darn crows...

Haha!! Good one.. MYYY GAAAAWWWWDDD!!!
Hey..a very nice one... couldn' stop giggling.....
I had been a usual victim during school days :)
Alas, our hero fell. He was one man against an army thousand strong. There is no escaping the Corvus army. They target you when you least expect it.. This is one war where you cant take revenge. Shelter is the only option :P
I sure did have a smile while reading the last few lines :) and imagining u to be the victim made my smile really wide ...
Some reason y the crow was innocent :
1) may be it was tired and lazy after 2 days of partying ...
2) May be it jus thought "hey man, its chennai , I can do it anywhere" .... jus like how many men don't mind dirtying high walls :)
3) It was playing paint ball tournament with ppl - and well - it couldn't buy paint and had to use the best alternative :P ...
4)It jus had to get the shit out of there ...
5)Lastly - It just wanted to make your life colorful
Dare not blame that innocent crow :)
by the way - I loved the Subject of this article veryyy much "Air Raid Bombing!"
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